As the Gamma Zeta Boulé Foundation (GZBF) embarks upon its 2021-2022 Social Action campaign, in my capacity as President, I am heartened by an increased sense of purpose, passion, and call for programmatic excellence from our Board of Directors. Specifically, on the heels of our annual GZBF strategic planning retreat, our Board coalesced around a central theme, and universal commitment, to “Institutionalize Our Infrastructure”.
Institutionalize Our Infrastructure means that GZBF will be resolute on ensuring that our infrastructure is replete with the human resources, financial capital, technology protocols, and accounting / governance structures to ensure that we operate with great fidelity, and continue delivering communal results which are becoming predicative in their ability to transform society. Concurrent with theses focuses, we believe that as we Institutionalize Our Infrastructure, an accretive byproduct will be the measured expansion of our programming (i.e. the aforementioned expansion of the “L” in Leadership of our flagship L.AM.P. Mentoring Programming); establishment of unique strategic partnerships (i.e. the aforementioned L.A.M.P. Suit Bank and JCPenney collaboration); amplified community advocacy (i.e. alliance with the SoCal Women’s Conference and their Man Cave, to be featured in an upcoming newsletter); sanctioning large scale corporate, government, and academic innovation forums (i.e. STEAMposium 2022, to be featured in an upcoming newsletter); and much more.
In each of our monthly newsletters I encourage you to read Ramsey’s Yellow Pad for real time updates evidencing our making good on this charge to Institutionalize Our Infrastructure in 2021-2022. Finally, and importantly, I invite you to join us and participate by sharing any surplus of your 3T’s (Time-Talent-Treasure) by emailing us here with the subject “Participate”, and we will follow-up in short order. I assure you that we have a role with your name on it.