Monthly Archives: December 2020

In Memoriam Genita Evangelista Johnson (1935-2020)


GZBF is deeply saddened by the passing of longtime supporter Genita Evangelista Johnson, fondly referred to as “GiGi”, the life partner of Richard Allen Williams, M.D. She died June 13, 2020, at the age of 84. GZBF President, Ramsey Jay, Jr., said in a statement: “Gigi was a fierce youth empowerment advocate and an absolute model of doing well by doing good. I count myself as one of the lucky ones who was able to have my life enriched by her rich friendship, and GZBF was a fortunate partner of her transformative philanthropic initiatives”. GiGi was an educator, a businesswoman and a philanthropist, whose absence will be keenly felt. She was [...]

In Memoriam Genita Evangelista Johnson (1935-2020)2020-11-16T01:52:23-08:00

Black History and Black Excellence


In 1984, Archon Hackley Woodford, a Kaiser physician and a longtime member of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity’s (the Boulé’s) Xi Boulé (Los Angeles Chapter) realized that Pasadena, California, which had a thriving population of black professionals had no presence of the Boulé. He set out to fill that gap and searched for potential candidates. His search lead him to identify 11 congenial professional men to fill the gap. The group first met in the home of Archon J. B. Singleton, a local dentist, who lived in Pasadena, California, who was also a member of the Fraternity’s Xi Boulé. After several meet and greets, Dr. Woodford requested permission from Sigma Pi Phi [...]

Black History and Black Excellence2020-11-16T01:49:18-08:00

2020-2021 L.A.M.P. Mentor Program September Session


GZBF L.A.M.P. Mentor Program continued its 2020-2021 activities with a September session on the topic Politics, Civics and Participatory Democracy, and a discussion of the book, The Ideal Team Player. The session began with a panel of Assemblyman Reginald Jones-Sawyer from the 50th Assembly District, Councilman John Kennedy from the Pasadena City Council 3rd District and Archon Bertral Washington, Deputy Fire Chief, San Bernardino County Fire Department. The panelist participated in a 30-minute presentation where they talked about who they are, what their job entails, what constitutes the areas of their responsibility, what internship opportunities exist in their respective offices, and what advice they have for young African American men who [...]

2020-2021 L.A.M.P. Mentor Program September Session2020-11-16T01:45:29-08:00

2020-2021 L.A.M.P. Mentor Program


GZBF launched its signature program, the L.A.M.P. Mentor Program for academic year 2020-2021. The initial session for the year occurred on August 29, 2020 and keeping with the commitment to the health and safety of the Mentees, Mentors and volunteers, was via a Zoom platform. There were 30 new and returning Mentees, 5 Mentor/Volunteers and 12 Parents of new Mentees. The session began with an orientation for the new and returning Mentees and the parents of New Mentees. During the orientation, Archon Gilbert Holmes, Program Coordinator and Archon Ramsey Jay, Jr., introduced the participants to the goals and expectations of the Program and the calendar for the year.After the initial orientation [...]

2020-2021 L.A.M.P. Mentor Program2020-11-16T01:42:30-08:00

GZBF Gives Back: Career STEAMposium 2020


March of 2020 was the beginning of a new way of life as everywhere someone turned, from playgrounds to parks, from schools to public libraries, and all other events where youth could become motivated and inspired was suddenly being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was also true as GZBF in partnership with the Pasadena/Altadena Ivy Foundation, the Pasadena Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Pasadena City College were set to kick-off their 5th Annual Career STEAMposium. Everyone from the students, to presenters, to parents, and the organizations that sponsored the event were excited and elated to once again gear up for was certain to be [...]

GZBF Gives Back: Career STEAMposium 20202020-11-16T01:53:44-08:00
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