Monthly Archives: October 2021

L.A.M.P. 2021/22 Class Returns to In Person Sessions


The Gamma Zeta Boule Foundation, L.A.M.P. Mentor Program commenced its 16th season of providing workshops on Leadership Achievement Management and Professionalism for African American high school males with sessions on August 28 and September 25, 2021. This year there are 36 Mentees in the Program. The first session of the L.A.M.P. Mentor Program was on August 28, 2021, at the Pasadena Rosebud Academy. The Academy is a Black-owned Charter School in Altadena, CA. This was the first in-person session since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic. The L.A.M.P. COVID protocols were developed with input from the COVID-19 Advisory Panel of the Gamma Zeta Boule Foundation Board of Directors. The protocol includes [...]

L.A.M.P. 2021/22 Class Returns to In Person Sessions2021-10-31T19:30:46-08:00

The L.A.M.P. Suit Bank and the JCPenney Collaboration


The genesis of the L.A.M.P. Suit Bank came from the caring and concern of two of our very own mentees; Xavier Smith and Marshall Dodds. They approached Therese Dodds and Elvia Bedolla, from the L.A.M.P. Parent Auxiliary Council, when they noticed some mentees were not dressed in the required business attire for the monthly events. Sensitive to the potential reasons for this Marshall Dodds stated: “Xavier and I thought a suit exchange program would be a great idea that would help mentees who didn’t have suits. I, myself, have had some nice suits handed down to me from family friends, which has allowed me more variety in my business attire. My [...]

The L.A.M.P. Suit Bank and the JCPenney Collaboration2021-10-31T19:37:36-08:00

Expansion of L in Leadership in L.A.M.P.


Leading up to the beginning of the Gamma Zeta Boule Foundation’s 16th season the L.A.M.P. Leadership Team continued to develop strategies that are geared to enhance the experiences of Mentees as they traverse through the entire L.A.M.P. Mentor/Mentee curriculum. Recognizing that an integral part of the Mentees application for admission to Colleges and Universities across this nation, in addition to their academic accomplishments is also their community service involvement and demonstrated experiences. The L.A.M.P. Leadership Team therefore agreed on the strategy that will purposefully and overtly assure that each Mentee will be provided the opportunity to “Lead” while participating in the L.A.M.P. program. Commencing in the 2021/22 program year, the [...]

Expansion of L in Leadership in L.A.M.P.2021-10-31T19:35:49-08:00

Ramsey’s Yellow Pad


As the Gamma Zeta Boulé Foundation (GZBF) embarks upon its 2021-2022 Social Action campaign, in my capacity as President, I am heartened by an increased sense of purpose, passion, and call for programmatic excellence from our Board of Directors. Specifically, on the heels of our annual GZBF strategic planning retreat, our Board coalesced around a central theme, and universal commitment, to “Institutionalize Our Infrastructure”. Institutionalize Our Infrastructure means that GZBF will be resolute on ensuring that our infrastructure is replete with the human resources, financial capital, technology protocols, and accounting / governance structures to ensure that we operate with great fidelity, and continue delivering communal results which are becoming predicative in [...]

Ramsey’s Yellow Pad2021-10-31T19:36:07-08:00
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