2022 Theme: Perseverance Powered by STEAM
As we begin the year, we would like to invite you to the 6th Annual Career STEAMPosium Event. The 6th Annual Career STEAMposium will be held on Saturday, March 19th, 2022, from 8AM – 2:00 PM.
The subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics (STEAM) pervade every part of our lives, and career opportunities in these areas are increasingly growing at a rapid rate. Technologists forecast that to be gainfully employed in the future, it is important to have the skills that companies want to gain access to. They continue to state that professions in the areas of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) are the jobs of the future. The unfortunate truth is that many high paying jobs in these areas continue to go unfilled because there is a gap between workforce skillsets and job requirements. To close this gap, it is imperative that we encourage our future workforce (our youth) to pursue careers in STEAM. And what better way to initiate them than to Expose them to these fields, Demystify the art and science behind them, and Engage them in hands-on activities that will help them better understand the concepts therein.
The Annual Career STEAMposium event (co-sponsored by Gamma Zeta Boule and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority) exposes students (from middle school to Community College) to Professionals currently in STEAM careers. During the day, students will attend workshops, learn from, and have interactive dialog with, STEAM professionals. This year’s event Keynote speaker will be Nicole Leonard – Vice President and Associate Dean of Research and Education for Cedars-Sinai. Dr. Leonard is thoughtful in approach and collaborative in execution. She is both an idea generator and an effective leader in evolving organizations. She is a continuous learner who finds opportunities to move the needle while at the same time staying laser focused on the mission and vision. The event will also feature Hands-on activities/teams that include FIRST Robotics, Formula Race Car and Liquid Rocket development, Film production & editing, NASA-JPL MARS Rover and Disney Imagineering.
This event prepares our workforce of the future for the jobs of the future and is also sponsored by Northrop Grumman, Southern California Edison, AT&T, Pasadena City College, The Boeing Company, the Gamma Zeta Boule Foundation, the Pasadena/Altadena Ivy Foundation and the Pasadena Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Please come and join us for what will certainly be an insight-filled Day!
A link for the 2022 event will soon be available which will provide much more information on the 6th Annual Career STEAMposium. Registration will open in February 2022.
For additional information, please contact Archon Clark Rucker – Co-Chair 2022 Career STEAMposium: (714) 658-9599 or clark.d.rucker@boeing.com