On behalf of the Gamma Zeta Boulé Foundation (GZBF) Board of Directors we bid you a most congenial New Year’s greeting as we welcome the 23rd year, of the 21st century, of the 3rd millennium. GZBF continues to advance a very prescriptive dual agenda to (1) fortify our internal institutional infrastructure and (2) dynamically innovate our external matrix of operating programs. We are making considerable progress on both items and for further insight, below is a two-point update on the latter (an update on the former will be provided in February).
STEAMposium 2023 Innovation
On March 18, 2023 GZBF is honored to once again co-sponsor the 2023 STEAMposium, themed STEAM to the Future. Within this edition of The Brotherhood! I am confident you will enjoy a scintillating preview of what has become one of the country’s premier, and most innovative STEAM empowerment forums. We anticipate a 500-person student assembly replete with practical instruction, tactile lab projects, and engaging career explorations. Without reservation, I submit this may be the most comprehensive single day STEAM related convening exposing, and inspiring students to pursue the incredible pathways of tomorrow.
L.A.M.P. Mentor Program Innovation
Memorialized by way of the five L.A.M.P. sessions profiled within this edition; I implore you to appreciate the diversity of the multi-disciplinary curriculum-based exercises our Class of 2023 Mentees have participated in. Additionally, I am pleased to announce the launch of the L.A.M.P. Network Opportunity Tracker, a programmatic innovation designed to vet, and disseminate, a plethora of enrichment opportunities for both our Mentees, and L.A.M.P. alumni. This is an incredible enhancement to the GZBF lifetime association with our past, current, and future Mentees.
In closing, I invite you to “Bind Together (BT)” with us by sharing any surplus of your 3T’s (Time-Talent-Treasure). If you have a Time and / or Talent surplus kindly email us here with the subject “Bind Together”, and we will follow-up. If you have a Treasure surplus, kindly consider making a secure financial contribution online at our GZBF giving portal or via mail: P.O. Box 94833 Pasadena, CA 91109-4833.
On behalf of the Gamma Zeta Boulé Foundation Board of Directors we express sincere gratitude for your continued sponsorship, and promotion, of our mission critical work.
Bound Together,
Ramsey Jay, Jr.
President Gamma Zeta Boulé Foundation